2 Kings

Chapter 25

1 And it came1961 to pass in the ninth8671 year8141 of his reign,4427 in the tenth6218 month,2320 in the tenth6218 day of the month,2320 that Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon894 came,935 he, and all3605 his host,2428 against5921 Jerusalem,3389 and pitched2583 against5921 it; and they built1129 forts1785 against5921 it round5439 about.

2 And the city5892 was besieged935 4692 to the eleventh6249 6240 year8141 of king4428 Zedekiah.6667

3 And on the ninth8672 day of the fourth month2320 the famine7458 prevailed2388 in the city,5892 and there was no3808 bread3899 for the people5971 of the land.776

4 And the city5892 was broken1234 up, and all3605 the men582 of war4421 fled by night3915 by the way1870 of the gate8179 between996 two walls,2346 which834 is by the king's4428 garden:1588 (now the Chaldees3778 were against5921 the city5892 round5439 about:) and the king went3212 the way1870 toward1870 the plain.6160

5 And the army2428 of the Chaldees3778 pursued7291 after310 the king,4428 and overtook5381 him in the plains6160 of Jericho:3405 and all3605 his army2428 were scattered6327 from him.

6 So they took8610 the king,4428 and brought5927 him up to the king4428 of Babylon894 to Riblah;7247 and they gave1696 judgment4941 on him.

7 And they slew7819 the sons1121 of Zedekiah6667 before his eyes,5869 and put5786 out the eyes5869 of Zedekiah,6667 and bound631 him with fetters5178 of brass,5178 and carried935 him to Babylon.894

8 And in the fifth2549 month,2320 on the seventh7651 day of the month,2320 which1958 is the nineteenth8672 6240 year8141 of king4428 Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon,894 came935 Nebuzaradan,5018 captain7227 of the guard,2876 a servant5650 of the king4428 of Babylon,894 to Jerusalem:3389

9 And he burnt8313 the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and the king's4428 house,1004 and all3605 the houses1004 of Jerusalem,3389 and every3605 great1419 man's house1004 burnt8313 he with fire.784

10 And all3605 the army2428 of the Chaldees,3778 that were with the captain7227 of the guard,2876 broke5422 down5422 the walls2346 of Jerusalem3389 round5439 about.

11 Now the rest3499 of the people5971 that were left7604 in the city,5892 and the fugitives5307 that fell5307 away to the king4428 of Babylon,894 with the remnant3499 of the multitude,1995 did Nebuzaradan5018 the captain7227 of the guard2876 carry1540 away.1540

12 But the captain7227 of the guard2876 left7604 of the door of the poor1803 of the land776 to be vinedressers3755 and farmers.1461

13 And the pillars5982 of brass5178 that were in the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and the bases,4350 and the brazen5178 sea3220 that was in the house1004 of the LORD,3068 did the Chaldees3778 break7665 in pieces, and carried5375 the brass5178 of them to Babylon.894

14 And the pots,5518 and the shovels,3257 and the snuffers,4212 and the spoons,3709 and all3605 the vessels3627 of brass5178 with which834 they ministered,8334 took3947 they away.

15 And the fire pans,4289 and the bowls,4219 and such things as were of gold,2091 in gold,2091 and of silver,3701 in silver,3701 the captain7227 of the guard2876 took3947 away.

16 The two8147 pillars,5982 one259 sea,3220 and the bases4350 which834 Solomon8010 had made6213 for the house1004 of the LORD;3068 the brass5178 of all3605 these428 vessels3627 was without3808 weight.4948

17 The height6967 of the one259 pillar5982 was eighteen8083 6240 cubits,520 and the capital3805 on it was brass:5178 and the height6967 of the capital3805 three7969 cubits;520 and the wreathen7639 work,7639 and pomegranates7416 on the capital3805 round5439 about, all3605 of brass:5178 and like to these428 had the second8145 pillar5982 with wreathen7639 work.7639

18 And the captain7227 of the guard2876 took3947 Seraiah8304 the chief7218 priest,3548 and Zephaniah6846 the second4932 priest,3548 and the three7969 keepers8104 of the door:5592

19 And out of the city5892 he took3947 an officer5631 that was set6496 over5921 the men582 of war,4421 and five2568 men582 of them that were in the king's4428 presence,6440 which834 were found4672 in the city,5892 and the principal8269 scribe5608 of the host,6635 which mustered6633 the people5971 of the land,776 and three score8346 men376 of the people5971 of the land776 that were found4672 in the city:5892

20 And Nebuzaradan5018 captain7227 of the guard2876 took3947 these, and brought3212 them to the king4428 of Babylon894 to Riblah:7247

21 And the king4428 of Babylon894 smote5221 them, and slew4191 them at Riblah7247 in the land776 of Hamath.2574 So Judah3063 was carried1540 away1540 out of their land.127

22 And as for the people5971 that remained7604 in the land776 of Judah,3063 whom834 Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon894 had left,7604 even over5921 them he made Gedaliah1436 the son1121 of Ahikam,296 the son1121 of Shaphan,8227 ruler.6485

23 And when all3605 the captains8269 of the armies,2428 they and their men,582 heard8085 that the king4428 of Babylon894 had made Gedaliah1436 governor,6485 there came935 to Gedaliah1436 to Mizpah,4709 even Ishmael3458 the son1121 of Nethaniah,5418 and Johanan3110 the son1121 of Careah,7143 and Seraiah8304 the son1121 of Tanhumeth8576 the Netophathite,5200 and Jaazaniah2970 the son1121 of a Maachathite,4602 they and their men.582

24 And Gedaliah1436 swore7650 to them, and to their men,582 and said559 to them, Fear3372 not to be the servants5650 of the Chaldees:3778 dwell3427 in the land,776 and serve5647 the king4428 of Babylon;894 and it shall be well3190 with you.

25 But it came1961 to pass in the seventh7637 month,2320 that Ishmael3458 the son1121 of Nethaniah,5418 the son1121 of Elishama,476 of the seed2233 royal,4410 came,935 and ten6235 men582 with him, and smote5221 Gedaliah,1436 that he died,4191 and the Jews3064 and the Chaldees3778 that were with him at Mizpah.4709

26 And all3605 the people,5971 both small6996 and great,1419 and the captains8269 of the armies,2428 arose,6965 and came935 to Egypt:4714 for they were afraid3372 of the Chaldees.3778

27 And it came1961 to pass in the seven7651 and thirtieth7970 year8141 of the captivity1546 of Jehoiachin3078 king4428 of Judah,3063 in the twelfth8147 6240 month,2320 on the seven7651 and twentieth6242 day of the month,2320 that Evilmerodach192 king4428 of Babylon894 in the year8141 that he began to reign4427 did lift5375 up the head7218 of Jehoiachin3078 king4428 of Judah3063 out of prison;1004

28 And he spoke1696 kindly2896 to him, and set5414 his throne3678 above5921 the throne3678 of the kings4428 that were with him in Babylon;894

29 And changed8132 his prison1004 3608 garments:899 and he did eat398 bread3899 continually8548 before6440 him all3605 the days3117 of his life.2416

30 And his allowance737 was a continual8548 allowance737 given5414 him of the king,4428 a daily3117 rate1697 for every day,3117 all3605 the days3117 of his life.2416



1 西底家叛。巴比倫王九年、十月十日、巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒、率其軍旅、至耶路撒冷、四周建營築壘以攻擊、

2 困苦其邑、至於西底家王十一年、

3 四月九日、邑民糧罄饑甚。

4 迦勒底人環攻其城而陷之、武士由門旁夾道、近於王囿、寅夜而遁、

5 士卒四散、王望坦途而往、迦勒底軍追襲其後、至耶利哥之坦途、

6 執之、解至立拉、見巴比倫王、王斷其事、

7 乃殺西底家諸子、使其目覩之、然後瞽其目、繫以銅索、解至巴比倫。

8 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒十九年、五月七日、其臣僕侍衛長、尼布撒剌担至耶路撒冷、

9 燬耶和華殿、王宮宦第、及耶路撒冷民室、

10 侍衛長率迦勒底軍、墮耶路撒冷城垣之四周、

11 侍衛長尼布撒剌担擄邑之遺民、及降於巴比倫王者、悉攜以去、

12 惟遣貧民、使修理葡萄園、耕植其田。

13 耶和華殿中之銅柱、盆座、巨盤、俱爲迦勒底人所毀、攜其銅至巴比倫、

14 其釜、鏊、翦、鼎、及諸銅器、以供役事者、悉攜之去、

15 其盤、其盂、及金銀諸器、俱爲侍衛長所取。

16 昔所羅門王爲耶和華殿造諸銅器、不能權其輕重、卽巨盤、盆座、二柱、

17 每柱高丈有八、各有銅頂、高三尺、欄杆石榴、圍其四周、悉以銅鑄。

18 侍衛長尼布撒剌担擄祭司長西勑亞、祭司之次者西番雅、及闇者三人、

19 城中擄轄武士之宦豎一、王之近臣五、軍中之繕寫、兼掌民數者一、及民衆六十、

20 咸至哈末之立拉、見巴比倫王。

21 巴比倫王殺之。猶大族被虜之事如此。

22 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒使沙番孫、亞希甘子其大利統轄猶大遺民。

23 諸軍長、及士卒、聞巴比倫王、使其大利統轄斯土、則尼大尼子以實馬利、迦哩子約哈難、尼陀法人單戶滅子西勑亞、馬迦人子耶沙尼、率其士卒、至密士巴、見其大利、

24 其大利發誓、告諸軍長、及士卒、曰、毋畏從迦勒底人、臣服巴比倫王、而居斯土、可享平康。

25 七月、宗室以利沙馬孫、尼大尼子以實馬利、統率十人擊其大利、及同在密士巴之猶大人、迦勒底人皆殺之、

26 武士之長、億兆之民、自尊逮卑、皆畏迦勒底人、故往埃及。

27 猶大王約雅斤被擄之三十七年十二月二十七日、巴比倫王、以未米羅達卽位、乃出猶大王於獄、

28 使其易衣、待之以恩、賜座高出於同在、

29 巴比倫列王之右、每食與共、以畢其生、

30 王日賜以糈糧、至終身不匱。

2 Kings

Chapter 25



1 And it came1961 to pass in the ninth8671 year8141 of his reign,4427 in the tenth6218 month,2320 in the tenth6218 day of the month,2320 that Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon894 came,935 he, and all3605 his host,2428 against5921 Jerusalem,3389 and pitched2583 against5921 it; and they built1129 forts1785 against5921 it round5439 about.

1 西底家叛。巴比倫王九年、十月十日、巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒、率其軍旅、至耶路撒冷、四周建營築壘以攻擊、

2 And the city5892 was besieged935 4692 to the eleventh6249 6240 year8141 of king4428 Zedekiah.6667

2 困苦其邑、至於西底家王十一年、

3 And on the ninth8672 day of the fourth month2320 the famine7458 prevailed2388 in the city,5892 and there was no3808 bread3899 for the people5971 of the land.776

3 四月九日、邑民糧罄饑甚。

4 And the city5892 was broken1234 up, and all3605 the men582 of war4421 fled by night3915 by the way1870 of the gate8179 between996 two walls,2346 which834 is by the king's4428 garden:1588 (now the Chaldees3778 were against5921 the city5892 round5439 about:) and the king went3212 the way1870 toward1870 the plain.6160

4 迦勒底人環攻其城而陷之、武士由門旁夾道、近於王囿、寅夜而遁、

5 And the army2428 of the Chaldees3778 pursued7291 after310 the king,4428 and overtook5381 him in the plains6160 of Jericho:3405 and all3605 his army2428 were scattered6327 from him.

5 士卒四散、王望坦途而往、迦勒底軍追襲其後、至耶利哥之坦途、

6 So they took8610 the king,4428 and brought5927 him up to the king4428 of Babylon894 to Riblah;7247 and they gave1696 judgment4941 on him.

6 執之、解至立拉、見巴比倫王、王斷其事、

7 And they slew7819 the sons1121 of Zedekiah6667 before his eyes,5869 and put5786 out the eyes5869 of Zedekiah,6667 and bound631 him with fetters5178 of brass,5178 and carried935 him to Babylon.894

7 乃殺西底家諸子、使其目覩之、然後瞽其目、繫以銅索、解至巴比倫。

8 And in the fifth2549 month,2320 on the seventh7651 day of the month,2320 which1958 is the nineteenth8672 6240 year8141 of king4428 Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon,894 came935 Nebuzaradan,5018 captain7227 of the guard,2876 a servant5650 of the king4428 of Babylon,894 to Jerusalem:3389

8 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒十九年、五月七日、其臣僕侍衛長、尼布撒剌担至耶路撒冷、

9 And he burnt8313 the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and the king's4428 house,1004 and all3605 the houses1004 of Jerusalem,3389 and every3605 great1419 man's house1004 burnt8313 he with fire.784

9 燬耶和華殿、王宮宦第、及耶路撒冷民室、

10 And all3605 the army2428 of the Chaldees,3778 that were with the captain7227 of the guard,2876 broke5422 down5422 the walls2346 of Jerusalem3389 round5439 about.

10 侍衛長率迦勒底軍、墮耶路撒冷城垣之四周、

11 Now the rest3499 of the people5971 that were left7604 in the city,5892 and the fugitives5307 that fell5307 away to the king4428 of Babylon,894 with the remnant3499 of the multitude,1995 did Nebuzaradan5018 the captain7227 of the guard2876 carry1540 away.1540

11 侍衛長尼布撒剌担擄邑之遺民、及降於巴比倫王者、悉攜以去、

12 But the captain7227 of the guard2876 left7604 of the door of the poor1803 of the land776 to be vinedressers3755 and farmers.1461

12 惟遣貧民、使修理葡萄園、耕植其田。

13 And the pillars5982 of brass5178 that were in the house1004 of the LORD,3068 and the bases,4350 and the brazen5178 sea3220 that was in the house1004 of the LORD,3068 did the Chaldees3778 break7665 in pieces, and carried5375 the brass5178 of them to Babylon.894

13 耶和華殿中之銅柱、盆座、巨盤、俱爲迦勒底人所毀、攜其銅至巴比倫、

14 And the pots,5518 and the shovels,3257 and the snuffers,4212 and the spoons,3709 and all3605 the vessels3627 of brass5178 with which834 they ministered,8334 took3947 they away.

14 其釜、鏊、翦、鼎、及諸銅器、以供役事者、悉攜之去、

15 And the fire pans,4289 and the bowls,4219 and such things as were of gold,2091 in gold,2091 and of silver,3701 in silver,3701 the captain7227 of the guard2876 took3947 away.

15 其盤、其盂、及金銀諸器、俱爲侍衛長所取。

16 The two8147 pillars,5982 one259 sea,3220 and the bases4350 which834 Solomon8010 had made6213 for the house1004 of the LORD;3068 the brass5178 of all3605 these428 vessels3627 was without3808 weight.4948

16 昔所羅門王爲耶和華殿造諸銅器、不能權其輕重、卽巨盤、盆座、二柱、

17 The height6967 of the one259 pillar5982 was eighteen8083 6240 cubits,520 and the capital3805 on it was brass:5178 and the height6967 of the capital3805 three7969 cubits;520 and the wreathen7639 work,7639 and pomegranates7416 on the capital3805 round5439 about, all3605 of brass:5178 and like to these428 had the second8145 pillar5982 with wreathen7639 work.7639

17 每柱高丈有八、各有銅頂、高三尺、欄杆石榴、圍其四周、悉以銅鑄。

18 And the captain7227 of the guard2876 took3947 Seraiah8304 the chief7218 priest,3548 and Zephaniah6846 the second4932 priest,3548 and the three7969 keepers8104 of the door:5592

18 侍衛長尼布撒剌担擄祭司長西勑亞、祭司之次者西番雅、及闇者三人、

19 And out of the city5892 he took3947 an officer5631 that was set6496 over5921 the men582 of war,4421 and five2568 men582 of them that were in the king's4428 presence,6440 which834 were found4672 in the city,5892 and the principal8269 scribe5608 of the host,6635 which mustered6633 the people5971 of the land,776 and three score8346 men376 of the people5971 of the land776 that were found4672 in the city:5892

19 城中擄轄武士之宦豎一、王之近臣五、軍中之繕寫、兼掌民數者一、及民衆六十、

20 And Nebuzaradan5018 captain7227 of the guard2876 took3947 these, and brought3212 them to the king4428 of Babylon894 to Riblah:7247

20 咸至哈末之立拉、見巴比倫王。

21 And the king4428 of Babylon894 smote5221 them, and slew4191 them at Riblah7247 in the land776 of Hamath.2574 So Judah3063 was carried1540 away1540 out of their land.127

21 巴比倫王殺之。猶大族被虜之事如此。

22 And as for the people5971 that remained7604 in the land776 of Judah,3063 whom834 Nebuchadnezzar5019 king4428 of Babylon894 had left,7604 even over5921 them he made Gedaliah1436 the son1121 of Ahikam,296 the son1121 of Shaphan,8227 ruler.6485

22 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒使沙番孫、亞希甘子其大利統轄猶大遺民。

23 And when all3605 the captains8269 of the armies,2428 they and their men,582 heard8085 that the king4428 of Babylon894 had made Gedaliah1436 governor,6485 there came935 to Gedaliah1436 to Mizpah,4709 even Ishmael3458 the son1121 of Nethaniah,5418 and Johanan3110 the son1121 of Careah,7143 and Seraiah8304 the son1121 of Tanhumeth8576 the Netophathite,5200 and Jaazaniah2970 the son1121 of a Maachathite,4602 they and their men.582

23 諸軍長、及士卒、聞巴比倫王、使其大利統轄斯土、則尼大尼子以實馬利、迦哩子約哈難、尼陀法人單戶滅子西勑亞、馬迦人子耶沙尼、率其士卒、至密士巴、見其大利、

24 And Gedaliah1436 swore7650 to them, and to their men,582 and said559 to them, Fear3372 not to be the servants5650 of the Chaldees:3778 dwell3427 in the land,776 and serve5647 the king4428 of Babylon;894 and it shall be well3190 with you.

24 其大利發誓、告諸軍長、及士卒、曰、毋畏從迦勒底人、臣服巴比倫王、而居斯土、可享平康。

25 But it came1961 to pass in the seventh7637 month,2320 that Ishmael3458 the son1121 of Nethaniah,5418 the son1121 of Elishama,476 of the seed2233 royal,4410 came,935 and ten6235 men582 with him, and smote5221 Gedaliah,1436 that he died,4191 and the Jews3064 and the Chaldees3778 that were with him at Mizpah.4709

25 七月、宗室以利沙馬孫、尼大尼子以實馬利、統率十人擊其大利、及同在密士巴之猶大人、迦勒底人皆殺之、

26 And all3605 the people,5971 both small6996 and great,1419 and the captains8269 of the armies,2428 arose,6965 and came935 to Egypt:4714 for they were afraid3372 of the Chaldees.3778

26 武士之長、億兆之民、自尊逮卑、皆畏迦勒底人、故往埃及。

27 And it came1961 to pass in the seven7651 and thirtieth7970 year8141 of the captivity1546 of Jehoiachin3078 king4428 of Judah,3063 in the twelfth8147 6240 month,2320 on the seven7651 and twentieth6242 day of the month,2320 that Evilmerodach192 king4428 of Babylon894 in the year8141 that he began to reign4427 did lift5375 up the head7218 of Jehoiachin3078 king4428 of Judah3063 out of prison;1004

27 猶大王約雅斤被擄之三十七年十二月二十七日、巴比倫王、以未米羅達卽位、乃出猶大王於獄、

28 And he spoke1696 kindly2896 to him, and set5414 his throne3678 above5921 the throne3678 of the kings4428 that were with him in Babylon;894

28 使其易衣、待之以恩、賜座高出於同在、

29 And changed8132 his prison1004 3608 garments:899 and he did eat398 bread3899 continually8548 before6440 him all3605 the days3117 of his life.2416

29 巴比倫列王之右、每食與共、以畢其生、

30 And his allowance737 was a continual8548 allowance737 given5414 him of the king,4428 a daily3117 rate1697 for every day,3117 all3605 the days3117 of his life.2416

30 王日賜以糈糧、至終身不匱。